Brocade – nastavení a test ISL portu (pro port 0)

Brocade:admin> portcfgeportcredits --disable 0

Brocade:admin> portcfglongdistance 0 LE 1
 Warning: port (0) may be reserving more credits depending on port speed.

Brocade:admin> portcfgshow
 Ports of Slot 0           0   1   2   3     4   5   6   7     8   9  10  11    12  13  14  15
 Speed                    AN  AN  AN  AN    AN  AN  AN  AN    AN  AN  AN  AN    AN  AN  AN  AN
 AL_PA Offset 13          ..  ..  ..  ..    ..  ..  ..  ..    ..  ..  ..  ..    ..  ..  ..  ..
 Trunk Port               ON  ON  ON  ON    ON  ON  ON  ON    ON  ON  ON  ON    ON  ON  ON  ON
 Long Distance            LE  ..  ..  ..    ..  ..  ..  ..    ..  ..  ..  ..    ..  ..  ..  .. 

Brocade:admin> islshow
 1: 0→ 0 10:00:d8:1f:cc:0a:83:48 1 Brocade2_loc1 sp: 16.000G bw: 16.000G CR_RECOV FEC

Brocade:admin> sfpshow 0 | grep -E „km|dB“
 Length 9u: 10 (units km)
 RX Power: -7.1 dBm (194.8uW)
 TX Power: 0.5 dBm (1124.8 uW)

Brocade:admin> portshow 0 | grep Speed
 portSpeed: N16Gbps

Brocade:admin> portstatsshow 0 |grep fec
 fec_cor_detected 0 Count of blocks that were corrected by FEC
 fec_uncor_detected 0 Count of blocks that were left uncorrected by FEC

Brocade:admin> porterrshow 0
 frames enc crc crc too too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fb sy c3timeout pcs uncor
 tx rx in err g_eof shrt long eof out c3 fail sync sig tx rx err err
 0: 3.0k 2.1k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Brocade:admin> portstatsclear 0

Brocade:admin> spinfab -ports 0 -nmegs 15
 Running spinfab …………..
 This test should NOT be aborted in the middle. If aborted, current
 blade or fixed configuration switch may become unusable.
 Reset the blade or the switch to recover.

 spinfab: Completed 16 megs, status: PASSED.
 port 0 test status: 0x00000000 – PASSED.

Brocade:admin> portstatsshow 0
 stat_wtx                3974672961          4-byte words transmitted 
 stat_wrx                3974642313          4-byte words received 
 stat_ftx                15002965            Frames transmitted 
 stat_frx                15001589            Frames received 
 stat_c2_frx             0                   Class 2 frames received 
 stat_c3_frx             15000747            Class 3 frames received 
 stat_lc_rx              402                 Link control frames received 
 stat_mc_rx              0                   Multicast frames received 
 stat_mc_to              0                   Multicast timeouts 
 stat_mc_tx              0                   Multicast frames transmitted 
 tim_rdy_pri             0                   Time R_RDY high priority 
 tim_txcrd_z             0                   Time TX Credit Zero (2.5Us ticks) 
 tim_txcrd_z_vc  0- 3:  0           0           0           0 
 tim_txcrd_z_vc  4- 7:  0           0           0           0 
 tim_txcrd_z_vc  8-11:  0           0           0           0 
 tim_txcrd_z_vc 12-15:  0           0           0           0 
 tim_latency_vc  0- 3:  1           1           1           1 
 tim_latency_vc  4- 7:  1           1           1           1 
 tim_latency_vc  8-11:  1           1           1           1 
 tim_latency_vc 12-15:  1           1           1           1 
 fec_cor_detected        0                   Count of blocks that were corrected by FEC 
 fec_uncor_detected      0                   Count of blocks that were left uncorrected by FEC 
 er_enc_in               0                   Encoding errors inside of frames 
 er_crc                  0                   Frames with CRC errors 
 er_trunc                0                   Frames shorter than minimum 
 er_toolong              0                   Frames longer than maximum 
 er_bad_eof              0                   Frames with bad end-of-frame 
 er_enc_out              0                   Encoding error outside of frames 
 er_bad_os               0                   Invalid ordered set 
 er_pcs_blk              0                   PCS block errors 
 er_rx_c3_timeout        0                   Class 3 receive frames discarded due to timeout 
 er_tx_c3_timeout        0                   Class 3 transmit frames discarded due to timeout 
 er_unroutable           0                   Frames that are unroutable 
 er_unreachable          0                   Frames with unreachable destination 
 er_other_discard        0                   Other discards 
 er_type1_miss           0                   frames with FTB type 1 miss 
 er_type2_miss           0                   frames with FTB type 2 miss 
 er_type6_miss           0                   frames with FTB type 6 miss 
 er_zone_miss            0                   frames with hard zoning miss 
 er_lun_zone_miss        0                   frames with LUN zoning miss 
 er_crc_good_eof         0                   Crc error with good eof 
 er_inv_arb              0                   Invalid ARB 
 er_single_credit_loss   0                   Single vcrdy/frame loss on link 
 er_multi_credit_loss    0                   Multiple vcrdy/frame loss on link 
 other_credit_loss       0                   Link timeout/complete credit loss
 phy_stats_clear_ts      09-11-2020 UTC Fri 06:14:57     Timestamp of phy_port stats clear 
 lgc_stats_clear_ts      09-11-2020 UTC Fri 06:14:57     Timestamp of lgc_port stats clear     

Brocade:admin> porterrshow 0

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