FNR – Find and Replace

Existuje určitě spousta možností, ale mně se na dávkové přepsání textu ve více soubourech najednou velmi osvědčila jednoduchá portable utilitka FnR:


Find and Replace (FNR) is an open source tool to find and replace text in multiple files. It can quickly search through large numbers of files and also find the information using regular expressions specifying the form of what you want, instead of literal text.

Find and Replace has;

  • Simple UI to make sure that find/replace works.
  • Command line to run find/replace using a batch file.


  • Single file download – fnr.exe (181kb)
  • Replace text in multiple files using windows application or through command line
  • Find Only to see where matches are found
  • Case-sensitive searching
  • Searching for files in one directory or recursing sub-directories
  • Regular expressions
  • Find and replace multi-line text
  • Generate command line button to create command line text to put in batch file
  • Command line help

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